About Me

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The Name's Dan, but to most of you it's Dex, and to a select few online you'll know me as Nilead. Soon to be 19, and currently just being my usual geeky, socially-awkward self. But hey, that's a story for another time. (: Also, currently has my head continuously in a cloud, regardless the bad thigns that happen.

Wednesday 14 April 2010


Okay, so it's been a while since I blogged on here, and I'm sorry for that D: I had an amazing blog ready last month after my birthday..but I forgot V.V

Not really much to report. I'm in the last stage of easter Hols (they went so fast D: ). Had a great day at Victoria Country park with Tom and Charlie (shame Hei couldn't come along, but oh well. NEXT TIME HE WILL COME! >D). We made a video! And here it is, in all it's glory!


uhh..what else? Nothing really,..so here's a list of pokemon that should probably die:-


..I think it was longer, but I can't remember any more at the moment. No doubt the list will grow larger the more I think about it. xD

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