About Me

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The Name's Dan, but to most of you it's Dex, and to a select few online you'll know me as Nilead. Soon to be 19, and currently just being my usual geeky, socially-awkward self. But hey, that's a story for another time. (: Also, currently has my head continuously in a cloud, regardless the bad thigns that happen.

Friday 5 February 2010

So I sit here, 23 minutes into a blog, and I've only just started writing. Amazing. xD

I actually have nothing really to report - everything's been really boring lately, but I needed to do something to while away the time, so here I am. :)

So er..yeah.

Here I am.

Ready to talk.


ok! Fine! I got somethign to talk about!

Mass Effect! I actually have started playing it. Yes, the first one. I've found it quite enjoyable so far, and it's actually challenging in some parts, which is rare in a game these days (unless you go to extra-double hard-EXTREME mode) which I'm glad about.
Don't like much about the ability to cover - it's so..sensitive and fiddly, and it's not fun when I'm behidn cover trying to peer out, when suddenly I tilt it just a little too much, and then suddenly I'm out of cover, being blown to pieces by a group of Bandits/Geth/Mercs.
I like the storyline so far though, it's quite deep if you care for it, and I like the characters, even if conversations with them feel a little..broken (but that may be due to the fact of choice of myself).
What else?
Oh yeah, I got a bone to pick with this game. Why is it Shepard cannot jump, yet a Tank/Car/Thing can? I mean, I get the fact it's got thrusters on it, but a jump button could be useful.

And if Shepard is meant to be an elite member fo the Spectres, why can't he combat roll? Surely didging would be the msot responsive thing to do when you're being shot at by several different plethora of weapons?

All in all though, an excellent game! I love the way everything is...well, beautiful. Th graphics are beautiful, I actually want to explore every world to find out about them, and uhh..yeah. xD

Not the best review, but it'll do. =]

Anyways, I guess I should go off to...well..find somethign to do. I said I'd tell one of my friends when I'm done so I can start writing more of my book, so of I go!

Dex! =]

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